Wednesday, December 24, 2008

One step forward, two back

Well, don't you know that as soon as I brag about how much we got to save this month, it wouldn't actually turn out that way. But, we are not dismayed! We decided to insure our house for an earthquake after talking to a friend who works for the United States Geological Survey here. He says we are about 50 years overdue for a pretty good size earthquake here. We experienced the tremors from one that happened in Indiana this spring and it was a little unsettling. If the New Madrid fault goes, there is no telling what could happen here. Then we forgot about a little thing here and a little thing there in the budgeting. But, there is still money left, so nothing to sweat! God is good. I hear so much about how the economy is bad, but we have been learning to live with in our means, so we are going to be fine.

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